As we explore what God’s word says about how human beings are to treat each other, how we are to live within our communities and the world, and most importantly, why it all matters.
GOD Shows Ezekiel Everything – Part 7
God Tells Ezekiel Cities think they are gods GOD doesn't like it when cities think they are gods. Ezekiel said to Tyre, she thinks she is a god because of all of her abundant wealth. God reminds Tyre the source of her wealth is from the purple dye HE created....
3 Days of Darkness
3 Days of Darkness Three days of darkness is referenced in the Bible on 3 different occasions. People are worried about thick darkness covering the earth for 3 days and nights, in the last days. We are living in the last days. The Messiah will soon return,...
GOD Shows Ezekiel Everything – Part 6
GOD Tells Ezekiel That Israel and Judah Are Lewd GOD tells Israel they are lewd, and HE is fed up with their behavior. HE tells Ezekiel to let Israel know their lewd acts with their pagan neighbors are not hidden from Him. In this particular case, GOD is specifically...
Bible Prophecies
Bible Prophecies of Revelation and Daniel The Bible Prophecies in Revelation and Daniel are subjects of great curiosity this this year, 2020. People are asking questions such as, is it the end-times? And is the Corona virus one of the plagues from the Book of...
GOD Shows Ezekiel Everything – Part 5
The Book of Ezekiel GOD shows Ezekiel that he is the mouth of GOD, he spoke the words GOD told him to say. One painful thing GOD said is that our ancestors became as dross to HIM. As detailed in versus 18-22, once, they were the most precious jewel and metal to him;...